Held under the auspices of the Egyptian minister of CIT, His Excellence, Dr. Tarek Kamel
Supporting Institutions:
CST, University of Copenhagen |
Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA) |
European Language Resources Association (ELRA) |
The Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University (FCI-CU) |
Programme at a Glance
CD Content:
This CD contains the 51 papers accepted for presentation at the Second International Conference on Arabic Language Resources and Tools. All papers are in PDF format.
Please read the instructions below to see how you can access the files.
You can use the navigation menu located on the top of this page to browse for papers in various ways:
"Sessions" contains the introductory message and titles of papers organized by session.
"Papers" contains a list of the papers organized by their title.
"Authors" contains a list of all authors and their related papers.
"Topics" contains a list of all topics and their related papers.
"Affiliations" contains a list of all affiliations and their related papers.
Gold Sponsor |
Silver Sponsor |
Media Sponsor |
Microsoft Innovation Lab Cairo
ITIDA (Information Technology Industrial Development Agency)
Media International
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